Facts and myths



  • Tap water is free from any bacteria, therefore boiling is useless. High temperature is used to kill microorganisms, but they cannot be found in treated tap water.

  • Water in Kraków taps is clean and healthy. In addition, it contains minerals (300 mg of mineral elements in one liter), including trace elements like calcium and magnesium.

  • Water boiling causes precipitation of some minerals in the form of the residue. As a result, it softens the water and impoverishes its mineral composition. Thus, water boiling is not recommended before the consumption.

  • The quality of water supplied  by Krakow Water is as good as in other European cities. The quality requirements prescribed by Polish laws are as detailed as the EU requirements. Some indicators must meet even stricter standards as compared to the EU standards.

  • Medium hard water (that is what we have in Kraków) can have a positive impact on your health because of the higher content of trace elements, like magnesium or calcium. Thanks to the water disinfection process, it was possible to stop the deadly epidemics in the past. This raised the average life expectancy.


  • Formation of stones in the human body is mainly a consequence of metabolic disorders. It has nothing to do with consumption of hard water. Stones in human body are simply deposits of insoluble oxalates, urates, phosphates, struvite or cholesterol.

  • Chlorine is a sanitizer and a guarantor of water microbiological safety. Small doses of chlorine used in tap water are not harmful to human health.

  • Some water filter jugs may remove chlorine which is a sanitizer and a guarantor of water microbiological safety. However, they do not remove any pollutants, because they are not present in the drinking water. Removal of chlorine might change the smell and taste of water. Inappropriate use of filter might pose microbiological risks caused by uncontrollable growth of harmful bacteria in the filter.

  • Drinking water supplied to the Kraków residents is strictly monitored and free from any bacteria harmful to health. The absolute safety is ensured by the modern disinfection methods based on the use of sodium hypochlorite. The Raba Water Treatment Plant additionally uses ultraviolet rays.

  • The disinfection by-products do not accumulate in the human body. Moreover, their concentration in the water is strictly monitored and never exceeds acceptable limit values.

  • In 1988, Kraków Water resigned from acquisition of water from Wisła river, due to its high pollution.

    The quality of the Wisła river is systematically monitored by Krakow Water. The results explicitly present that the water quality has improved over the years, especially within the chemical pollution. The improvement of Wisał river quality is indicated by the increasing number of various fish species.