The advantages of tap water


Remember! Tap water contains minerals and requires no boiling before drinking!

  • 1 litre of tap water contains 365 mg of mineral substances on the average
  • tap water contains an amount of minerals similar to most bottled waters!
  • drinking Kraków tap water is safe! Tap water complies with Polish and EU quality requirements
  • the accredited Laboratory of Kraków Water conducts over 100,000 analyses of Krakow tap water every year
  • Drinking Kraków tap water is environmentally friendly! You help protect the environment by reducing the amount of plastic waste
  • the cost of drinking bottled water for 2 days is equal to drinking tap water for the whole year! 
Icon of a hand holding a test tube Crossed-out pet bottle icon Piggy bank icon

100 000 analyses

per year

From 450 to 1 000 years

decomposition of a PET bottle

PLN 0,006

cost of 1 litre of tap water